Here's an old one i had laying with ail4ny claiming that he could beat sithy, siny etc. etc. And after 20-2'ing him he got mad and left
This one is from today(18th of august 2013) from a random guy named Infy, i met him at a random EU force server i saw online and joined it and started fighting just chilling. Anyway many of the others started going afk shortly but Infy kept on fighting. After a while were i was close to killing him he started using teleports there was added on the server like "streets" "pad" etc. etc. Then i asked him if he were afraid of dying in a game since he started using teleports? And well he used something similar to this "It's my 3rd time playing force so that's why". And then i told him that's not a valid reason for using teleports and then he started with a lot of nonsense there was completly out of context and yeah well, then after i killed him several times and he tryed to chat kill me a few times he wrote this none raging shit and claimed i was the one there was mad, annoyed and raging and then he left lol.