I never lagged the server, I don't even know how to do this And I see no points of doing this , my fun is to duel with people not making them leave ??! who would I fight then?
Ask Hora and Cloud I was fighting.
Also , I was in a duel with hora when it happend so I couldn't type all theses things. Ask them I'm sure they will support. The thing is , I did saw thoses writings in my console before , I downloaded a Saber pack the : http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/_Obi_Wan_Kenobis_ROTS_saber;43694
It's a new model for the saber ,and saber colors that I had on JKA , but they didn't worked on jk2 , This is probably the cause of the lag we occured. It was not Intentionnal since I know some models as skins work on both games , and I didn't knew it would cause such thing. I dont even received lagging from this, so I couldn't know, this is probably because I got a better ping than most players on the server.
Thank you.