The only config for adding a bot that is guaranteed to stay currently is for your bot, BDL, because you asked me to add it a long time ago. Adding that bot sets bot_minplayers to 0 so that it doesn't get kicked since the number of players meets or exceeds the minimum [8], which is evident since someone had to add your bot for training in the first place (other bots weren't available). If the admins don't understand what the CFG does, they would see no effects other than adding your bot until the number of players is below 8. At that point, normally a bot is added to bring the total number of "players" up to 8, but because bot_minplayers was at 0 to keep your bot from being kicked it doesn't add any bots. To set it back to normal, admins must manually reset the bot_minplayers via the CFG called reset_bot_minplayers.
The two EXECs are:
/amrcon exec add_bdl
/amrcon exec reset_bot_minplayers