Hi everyone!
As a kid, I loved to play the original Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefront 2, so when the time came that EA announced that they were going to reboot the franchise in anticipation for TFA, you could say I was pretty excited for the release. I think you could probably guess, like a lot of people, I was disappointed by some aspects of the game. The graphics and concepts behind the game I thought were very well done, but overall the gameplay became bland and repetitive and it was not something I could play for hours on end. I ended up purchasing the sequel, Battlefront 2 because I figured it couldn't get any more bland, and while it was/is better in many ways, still falls victim to repetitive combat and weird mechanics (such as "star cards").
I ended up reading the following article on EA, where they announced that they are working on a new, open-world Star Wars game, and wanted to know if anyone else had any opinions on the matter. Here is the article below: